I would like to start off by saying that I would not be an RN right now if it weren’t for the Education Fund. I am a wife and mother of two young children, so I needed a full-time income in order to survive. The Ed Fund gave me that little bit of flexibility with my schedule that allowed me enough time to study. I must also commend the counselors, who were very supportive and always available when I needed them or had questions.

I heard about the Education Fund from a co-worker when I was working as an OB Tech at Good Samaritan. I was so excited to find out there was this kind of help available. I went through several struggles during my two years in school – my husband lost his job, we filed for bankruptcy, tried to keep our home and eventually had to short sale our house – all the while trying to maintain a happy home for our children. I’ll tell you one thing, if you truly want something badly enough you can get through anything!

I feel very fortunate to have gotten a job as a new grad in the NICU at Good Samaritan Hospital in this economy. I worked extremely hard to get there. I kept my full-time status, always went to work on time and was a pleasant person to be around no matter how stressed I was. My co-workers and management team were very supportive. I have so much to be thankful for, including the Education Fund program and its staff. I am excited to start my new career and see a bright future for myself and my family.