When I found out that our hospital was planning to require all surgical techs in my department become certified, I was concerned. Sixteen of us were not certified; that was 95% of our department. I immediately began to organize by talking to staff, management, and the Education Fund. Everyone was incredibly responsive and supportive. The Education Fund stepped in and provided us with a quality instructor to prepare us for the exam, as well as covering expenses for our books, the exam, and certification. The hospital provided us with the space to study and even paid for our time while we were taking the review class.
All of us had to work very hard. I finished surgical tech school in 1984 – 30 years ago! – and now I needed to take this exam and get certified. What helped me get through it was thinking about the future and thinking about all the support I was getting. They were doing their part so I would have to do my part as well. After about three months, I was the very first one to become certified, and everyone in our department followed one by one. Now we are the first hospital to have 100% certification of Surgical Technicians in the O.R. amongst all HCA hospitals in the US – this makes me very proud.